Thursday, February 4, 2010

Something you should know about me from the start...
All my life i knew i was different from everyone else in my classes. And i was reminded of this on the first day of school every year for 13 years. Yes, that would be by my name. No one hardly could pronounce it and people even started nicknaming me because they just couldnt say my name. When i was younger i saw no difference in being Albanian Muslim i thought i was the same as everyone else. Until i reached highschool. Were every one of my classmates partied everynight, expierimented with love, and explored their teenage life. I wasn't allowed to do any of that. But its not because my mom was just "strict" it is because of my culture.
Typical conversation between my mom & I.
Mom- "if anyone sees you, thats it, its over"
Me-"who is gonna see me,  and whats gonna be over?" (as if i didnt care)
Now if your an albanian muslim you would know exactly what my mom is talking about. Shes talking about if another albanian sees me out and about with my friends, that he/she will tell every one and that it will ruin my reputation. My reputation is a big thing in my society because ultimately it determines your status and if guys want to get married to you.
Now hanging out with my friends is something so simple, that has nothing attached to it right? Wrong, in my culture they'll put a label on you the second they see you anywere having fun. Let me tell you, after awhile it gets ridiculous and definitely upsurb to things i have to becareful doing, the simple things YOUR allowed to do. I have to figure out a way to do it, lie to my mom about where i was, who i was with and worry about if anyone see's me. But of course this is just the minor stuff i have to worry about..

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